Funky Cool Patina and Upcoming Events

I have a bunch of new pieces finished up and I love the new patina I get to work with!!!
 It's kind of a minty green, in contrast to the blue-ish patina I had recently. (see below)
I'll have a bunch of them ready for my upcoming events...

First up.... ARTSCAPE!!!!
July 16-18
Next weekend is Artscape! Starting on Friday, July 16th come down and see all the art and music you can handle!!!  I'll be there with a bunch of my fellow Baltimore crafters through Sunday!
July 31-Aug 1
The last weekend of July will bring me homeward!  I 'll be displaying at the "Pennsylvania Guild's Fine Craft  Show"!!! The show takes place at  the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington  Delaware. You may have seen the billboards along I-95!  Anyway, if you're in the area, stop in and say hi!  I'm one of 7"emerging artists" that were picked to display!   Having only been doing this for almost two years now, I can't believe that I was selected!  I'm sure it will be awesome to see all of the amazing work by all of the master craftsmen in attendance!