Untaxing Tax Time

I know it's weird, but I kinda enjoy tax time.  I like adding everything up, putting all the data in its place and figuring out how well I did during the past year.   After I get all of my digits and tabulations together, I travel up to Delaware to spend some time with my folks.  My dad likes to give my calculations and paperwork a once over, make some suggestions, and gab about taxes.   I enjoy getting to spend time with my dad, we talk taxes, chat about our businesses and share what is working and what isn't.
 image by relove on etsy
Being that we have such enormously different careers, (he spent most of his career in sales, is a mechanical engineer, and consults for a living)  it's nice that we can relate and enjoy trading stories and business advice.   Being mechanically inclined, he even came up with several display ideas, that I would never have thought of, and that I can't wait to try out at shows this year!!!